domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

The Poppy

Poppy comes from Africa, Europe and Asia.
It is a grass covered perpendicular hairs, simple leaves at base elongated and lobed reaching reach a size of up to 70 cm.
They are solitary flowers with crinkled petals flower buds, deep red with a blackish spot at the base.
It blooms in late spring and early summer days.
The fruit of the poppy is a capsule full of seeds.
In addition:
- The poppies have properties making dye used to color the wine, certain medicines and to dye wool .
- Poppy Seeds are used to flavor fruit salads, apple tart , breads and pastas vegetables.
It has sedative and antitussive properties, cough syrups are manufactured.
- It is slightly toxic.
- Poppy petals teas can be used as mixed with other flowers.
- Poppies were used also for insomnia especially in children and the elderly.
- Cultivated in flower beds. Slopes and meadows of colors.
- Light: full sun.
- Rather dry and poor in organic substances to soil poppies.
- Habitat: vacant land, landfills, pastures etc. It is very common on roadsides and fields.
- Irrigation moderate once or twice a week, depending on time and season.
- Seeds germinate easily poppies.

By:Claudia Balmaseda

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