sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014



The copihue is a vine that reaches 3 to 10 m by climbing over shrubs and trees.
Its roots stem from a tuber that has between 1 and 2 cm in diameter. 
Its stems are light, twisted, tough, woody, flexible and boneless coffee. 
Its leaves are alternate, firm, lanceolate and simple. Have a length of 13 cm. 
Its flowers are tubular; no aroma and reach between 8.75 and 10 cm long. Consist of six tepals, three external and three internal; are bell-shaped and are hermaphroditic. This consists of six stamens; by a long style topped by a stigma. 
Its fruits, red berries from 3 to 6 cm long, with a thick skin containing numerous seeds ripen from March to May. 
Its seeds are small and yellowish-brown color, covered by a white, juicy, sweet and edible fleshy aril.

The copihue grows in Chile. 
One Indian legend says that women warriors climbed highest to spot the trees sobreblow battles. Realizing that only reigned destruction and his companions were dead, they fell shedding tears that turned into flowers of blood; well, red copihues remember the spirits of the dead.

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