lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014


Reptiles are vertebrate animals with scales on the skin
They were abundant during the Mesozoic period ( dinosaurs)


- Most live on land but some live in  water;
-Their skin is  strong,
- Well developed  lungs,
- Their heart have 2 chambers, and for example, crocodiles and
  alligators have the heart more developed,
- Internal fertilization

They can also change their body temperature.They can change their place to stay warm
looking for the sun in the day and move to the cool shade or swim.

Most are carnivorous and have slow digestion that allows them to feed once per month.
Others are herbivores.

Usually have two lungs, except some kind of snakes that only have one.
They have  developed senses such as smell and hearing in snakes and legs in
others  like crocodriles and lizards.


Are internal fertilization. The male deposits sperm inside the female body and then the female covers the embryons with various membranes and a shell.


HEAD: two nostrils, mouth with teeth (lizards and snakes) or horny beak (turtles) and two eyes with eyelids.

TRUNK: four tips to five separate fingers (lizards), or webbed toes (European water turtle), or fins (eg leatherbacks).
There is also limbless reptiles (snakes).

TAIL: it runs from the cloaca to the end.


SAURIOS: They have tail and are small (lizards and dragons)
OFIDIOS: No legs (snakes)
QUELONIOS: Have a shell that protects their body (turtles and galapagos)
CROCODILIANS: They have tail and are big (crocodiles and alligators).

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