domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Ferns (Helechos).

The Ferns

Polystichum lonchitis

The ferns are one of the oldest plant of the world.
They live in the territories of high humidity and bleak and shady places.
The parts of the ferns are: 
  • roots: they allow to absorb the nutrients and hold up the plant 
  • rizoma: it is a black subterranean stem that carries the nutrients
  • frond: it is a group of leaves and conducts
The leaves can be small (pinna) or big (pínula).

The green leaves have sharp point and oval shape.
The ferns haven´t got flowers, seeds and fruits.

Polystichum lonchitis esporasThe reproduction of this type of plants is by spores. The leaves have small points called  "soros" in the inside face.

The spores mature  and the soros open them, then spores fall on the floor generating a small plant called protalo. The form of the protalo is like a heart.

If the conditions of humidity are good, a new fern born.

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