domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Fig tree

The fig tree is a non flowering plant.
The fig tree has small size, between 2 and 10 meters, it looks  a bush more than a tree.

A fig  tree
It does not have a single root but rather several, more or less superficial main roots, trunk radially born with a powerful and fibrous, but fragile.
They have fake flowers in bottle-shaped fruits (figs), are edible and black, rough skin green or purple with a hole at its end. The flowers mature in late summer and produce the true fruits (achenes) that line the interior walls of the fig.

The origin of the common fig (Ficus carica L.) is in Asia Minor and, as in the case of the pomegranate has been cultivated for its fruits in Mediterranean countries for thousands of years, being the only species of the genus Ficus which grows spontaneous and feral forms in southern Europe, why will consider another typical Mediterranean species.

Producing a gummy, milky juice called latex, and a false fruit called fig, which is actually a modified into a juicy flower structure

This work is do it by Carlos Francisco Sobrino Sánchez


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