domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014


                                          THE MANGO TREE
Mango grows  in a very pretty tree ,mango tree is always green,the mango tree grow in tropical climates .The flower is small has petals white  and has a very  smell good .
In the flower grows a small ball and grows the Mango.
Some people pick a fruit ,because if they fall and break.
The mango tree is a good taste.
The colors of the fruit is a yellow or a yellow to a red.
The tree of the Mango is a very tall
The tree is ANGYOSPERMS, some insect are placed in the flower
Some mango is a size small and other is a size a big
To various tipe of mango ,they taste different
The mango mature about 4 months or more 
I like the mango because is good taste 
The color of the mango in the picture is green,yellow and red
This delicious mango


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