martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


The euphorbia pulcherima, also called poinsettia. In the United States is the flower of the family.

The poinsettia can reach 0,6 to 3 meters in height.This plant booms in winter nobember to febrary.
It importan thot this not answer sun12 hours you segidas. Poisiettia are usuali grow in the northern 
hemispere. The ancient aztecs called it cuetlaxochitl meaming flower that withers.
Also the leathers called due to the red color of its leaves.their ideal temperature is 20º-22º C.
We must also take caution with irrigation, of much water can rot the root.


 1 - not water much
2 - when the leaves fall of the plant must leepruped
3 -changed in july.

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