lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


                                      The Jade Vine

Jade Vine or jade vine is a native of the Philippine Islands, belonging to the family of Fabaceaes more specifically, we're talking about the kind Strongylodon macrobotrys; are vining plants and evergreen trees can be found in tropical climates rate in areas of the forest, although it is frequently found in gardens in tropical and subtropical areas, particularly for its cultivation requirements; not stand frost and need minimum temperatures of about 15 ° C; in parts of Europe for example we can find in the UK but in greenhouses. They are plants that should or pergolas are often grown for its flowers and falling into a waterfall.

The jade vine catches the eye by its shape and by the blue-green characteristic color; usually grow in wetland areas or ravines, often reach or can reach 3 meters in length and stems can reach 20m in "wild" state. Its foliage has 2 leaves with a claw and only occur in mature vines (over years); its color is acquired once the plant is in adulthood, as they dry they acquire these turquoise hues until a purple color.


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