miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014


 This is a Jilgero.

Curiosities of the birds .
The birds can fly because they have wins .
The birds is typical in Colombia
Birds are fathered, winged ,two - legged,warm - blooded,egg - laying vertebrates.
Aves ranks as the as the tetrapod class with the most living species, approximately ten thousand.
Scientific name : Aves
Higher classification :Avialae
Lower classifications :Galliformes
They are differents types of birds for example :
tarro canelo , lavandera cascadeña, gaviota, ganso , golondrina, urraca, mirlo , buho,petirrojo ,tortola,cisne,pavo real ect.
The anatomy of the birds :
Wins,legs,head,pick and tail.
The birds are oviparous , they reproduce by laying eggs , the birds are veretebrates . 

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