lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


It is very normal in Europe. The chestnut tree grow until 25 meters. It can live 500 years. The chestnut tree reproduces by seeds. The seeds of the chestnut tree are into the chestnuts.

It is a tree with leaves deciduous. Its leaves born in may and fall to the ground  in winter.

It´s fruit are chestnut. Chestnut are wrapped in an envelope with spikes. In each enveloped there are three chestnut. Iits wood is very appreciated to build furniture.

The leaves of the chestnut tree are big, of 3-5 cm. width and 10 to 20 cm length. They are beautiful because they are very green. In autumn when the leaves fall to the ground  leaves are more rough.

The chestnut  tree are flowering plant and in type of the flowering are angiosperm.

The chestnut tree was introduced in Spain by the Romans.

The flowers of the chestnut tree grows in may and are very beautiful. The trunk of the chestnut tree  are  white and is a perfect   house of the squirrel.





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