viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014


 * The amphibians are vertebrates.
The frogs are one example of amphibians, they (like other amphibians) do a process call metamorphosis.

* They live in water or in a some city with water, because the skin of the amfibians have to be moist.
There are four main stages in the life cycle of a frog. 
The first stage in the life cycle of the frog is the egg.
A frog lays many eggs at one tine.
The eggs are convered with a jellylike coating.

The second stage of the frog life cycle is the talopolo.
hatched tadpoles have gills for breathing in the water.
they have a tail, but no legs.
As a tadpole grows ,lungs begin to form.

The next stage of the frog life cycle is the froglet. 
These legs help the frog on land.

                                 ADULT FROG
Once the lungs for and begin to work,the gills and tail disappear.
The adult frog is now ready to live on land.
Whath is the first stage of the frog life cicle?
The first stage of the frog life cycle is the egg.
Whath is the nest stage of the frog life cycle?
The nest stage of the frog life cycle tadpole . 
Whath is the last stage of the frog life cycle?
The last stage of the frog life cycle is the adult frog. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. There is some interesting information here. I like that you put the different stages of the lifecycle.
